Odoslaný - 22 jún 2013 : 20:53:28
Aký je názor katolíckej Cirkvi na obriezku u mužov (u žien je to barbarstvo a mrzačenie tela, to mi je jasné)? Starý zákon ju vyslovene prikazoval, ale sv. Pavol ju už nepovažuje za povinnosť pre kresťanských mužov.
Môže byť katolícky muž obrezaný, resp. dať obrezať svojho syna?
Väčšina americkej mužskej populácie je obrezaná a miestni protestanti túto praktiku podporujú...
Krajina: Mexico ~
Počet príspevkov: 72 ~
Člen od: 22 jún 2013 ~
Posledná návšteva: 13 január 2020
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Odoslaný - 24 jún 2013 : 19:20:22
Odkial mate informaciu, ze je vacsina americkej muzskej populacie obrezana? |
Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam.
Krajina: Slovakia ~
Počet príspevkov: 12062 ~
Člen od: 29 september 2003 ~
Posledná návšteva: 11 november 2023
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Odoslaný - 24 jún 2013 : 21:56:46
Niečo po anglicky:
Statistics from different sources give widely varying estimates of infant circumcision rates in the United States. In 2005, about 56 percent of male newborns were circumcised prior to release from the hospital according to statistics from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Data from a national survey conducted from 1999 to 2002 found that the overall prevalence of male circumcision in the United States was 79%. 91% of boys born in the 1970s, and 83% of boys born in the 1980s were circumcised. An earlier survey, conducted in 1992, found a circumcision prevalence of 77% in US-born men, born from 1932–1974, including 81% of non-Hispanic White men, 65% of Black men, and 54% of Hispanic men, vs. 42% of non U.S. born men who were circumcised. A study published in 2005, which used data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (a sample of 5–7 million of the nation's total inpatient stays, and representing a 20% sample taken from 8 states in 1988 and 28 in 2000), stated that neonatal circumcisions rose from 48.3% of males in 1988 to 61.1% in 1997. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that circumcision rates were stable in the United States between 1979 and 1999. Figures from the 2003 Nationwide Hospital Discharge Survey state that circumcision rates declined from 64.7% in 1980 to 59.0% in 1990, rose to 64.1% in 1995, and fell again to 55.9% in 2003. On page 52, it is shown that the western region of the United States has seen the most significant change, declining from 61.8% in 1980 to 31.4% in 2003. Part of the decline in the western region has been attributed by some experts to an increasing percentage of births to immigrants from Latin America, who have been shown to be less likely to circumcise than other parents in the U.S. A 2008 study of male infants born in the US state of Maryland found that the circumcision rate was 75.3% based on hospital discharge data files, and 82.3% based on maternal post-partum survey data. Medicaid funding for infant circumcision used to be available in every state, but starting with California in 1982, eighteen states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington) had eliminated Medicaid coverage of routine (non-therapeutic) circumcision by July 2011. One study in the Midwest of the U.S. found that this had no effect on the newborn circumcision rate but it did affect the demand for circumcision at a later time. Another study, published in early 2009, found a difference in the neonatal male circumcision rate of 24% between states with and without Medicaid coverage. The study was controlled for other factors such as the percentage of Hispanic patients. The CDC reported in 2011 that, following an earlier increase in neonatal circumcision rates, rates decreased in the period 1999 to 2010. Citing three different data sources, most recent rates were 56.9% in 2008 (NHDS) 56.3% in 2008 (NIS), and 54.7% in 2010 (CDM). The incidence of male non-therapeutic infant circumcision varies widely by region. The Western Region reported an incidence of 24.6% in 2009, while the North Central Region reported an incidence of 76.2%, while the overall incidence of circumcision in the United States stood at 54.5%, the lowest figure reported over the previous two decades. The Northeast Region reported an incidence of 67% and the Southern Region reported 55.7%. There was also significant variation between rural and urban areas. Rural areas reported an incidence of circumcision of 66.9% while urban areas reported an incidence of 41.2%. There are various explanations for why the infant circumcision rate in the United States is different from comparable countries. Many parents’ decisions about circumcision are preconceived, and this may contribute to the high rate of elective circumcision. Brown & Brown (1987) reported the most important factor is whether the father is circumcised.
A niečo po slovensky:
Napr. v USA je obrezaných až 80 percent mužov, celosvetovo približne jedna tretina.
Krajina: Mexico ~
Počet príspevkov: 72 ~
Člen od: 22 jún 2013 ~
Posledná návšteva: 13 január 2020
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Odoslaný - 24 jún 2013 : 23:45:07
ono su to take dve podobne slova obrezat a odrezat tak aby nenastal omyl medzi nimi alebo neziaduca zamena :-D DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
citácia: Starý zákon ju vyslovene prikazoval, napriek snahe presadzovat ho tak SZ uz neplati, aspon nie doslovne ale len ako predobraz NZ |
Aby sme vo všetkom dosiahli pravdu, musíme sa vždy pridržiavať zásady, že to, čo sa mne zdá bielym, budem pokladať za čierne, keď to hierarchická Cirkev tak rozhodne, pevne veriac, že medzi ženíchom Kristom, naším Pánom, a medzi jeho nevestou Cirkvou je ten istý Duch, a náš Pán, ktorý nám dal Desatoro prikázaní, riadi a spravuje aj našu svätú matku Cirkev. sv.Ignac z Loyoly |
Krajina: Slovakia ~
Počet príspevkov: 1231 ~
Člen od: 06 november 2010 ~
Posledná návšteva: 01 máj 2022
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