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 Jan Pavol II a Informacne technologie-az high tech
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 Odoslaný - 04 apríl 2005 :  12:54:53  Zobraziť profil  Pridať peto do zoznamu priateľov
Ako sa ukazuje tak zosnuly svaty otec Jan Pavol II, ani na papezskom stolci nezanevrel na svoje povodne vzdelanie inziniera elektrotechniky a dokonca vymenoval svateho patrona pouzivatelov pocitacov!

While Pope John Paul II will largely be remembered for his influence on social issues ranging from euthanasia to AIDS, he also earned a place in history as the first pontiff to embrace computer technology.

Under John Paul II's leadership, the Vatican has also moved forward with plans to name St. Isidore of Seville, known for his scholarly work, as the patron saint of computer users, computer technicians and the Internet.

The pontiff's passing quickly drew encomiums praising his leadership on social and moral issues, but John Paul II also played a role in bringing the Vatican into the Information Age. The Vatican brokered a deal with Verizon last year for a service to deliver a daily papal message to subscribers' cell phones. A church representative said the Vatican had a history of embracing new communications media, and cell phones are a natural vehicle for reaching younger believers.
a ako vsetko ine je to na americkych katolikoch
"People are always trying to find ways to market His Holiness," said Sister Mary Ann Walsh, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

In 2001, to much fanfare, the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, D.C., opened to the public. The center houses five interactive galleries that allow visitors to become part of the center's evolving exhibits.

The pope's health crisis the past few weeks also prompted a flurry of Web activity. The main Vatican Web site was unreachable due to heavy traffic most of Friday. But American Catholics could still submit prayers for the pontiff through the Franciscan Friars' online St. Anthony Shrine, while Your Catholic Voice encouraged the faithful to initiate e-mail prayer chains.

a dalej
HP, Vatican bring Apostolic Library online
ITworld.com 10/29/02

Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) has been tapped by Ppe John Paulo II to provide public online access to the Vatican's Apostolic Library, which will include posting images of manuscripts that have only been accessible to professional scholars and professors, HP said in a joint statement with the Vatican Tuesday.
a ziadne Windows ale Packard UNIX v zakazke

"HP has been providing the Vatican with hardware, equipment support, Web consultancy and even Web design help since the project began in
February 2001. Hardware includes servers, mainly HP-UX," Philippe said.

Last November, the Vatican demonstrated what it called the Catholic Church's commitment to modern forms of social communication when it published an official document over the Internet for the first time.

The Vatican has had its catalogue of modern printed volumes available online since 1985 and has worked with such companies as IBM Corp., and for the last 10 years, HP, to update and refine its Web site.

Posted on Thu, Oct. 31, 2002
HP, Vatican to develop new "Holy See Plus Plus" (C++ je programovaci jazyk) programming language.
The Vatican has enlisted Hewlett-Packard in its efforts to improve online access to the Apostolic Library. Since February 2001, HP has been providing the Vatican with hardware, equipment support and Web consultancy services necessary to allow faster access to the Vatican Library site and facilitate navigation of its vast bibliographic database. The Apostolic Vatican Library, founded by Pope Nicholas V (1447-1455), houses some 1.6 million antique and modern printed volumes. It also contains 8,300 incunabula (books printed before 1501, of which 65 are printed on vellum), 150,000 manuscript and records volumes, 300,000 coins and medals, and more than 100,000 prints. While it is unlikely that HP's association with the Vatican will boost its sales, one analyst said the donation could help the firm revitalize its image, which was tarnished last year in a messy merger with Compaq Computer. "They still have core value in the brand, but they want to be trusted again, like the old HP," Giga Information Group analyst Rob Enderle told The LA Times. "This is the kind of thing a company can use to recoup an image."


Napr. aj toto dosiahla Cara Carleton Sneed Fiorina (dcera sluzobne najstarsieho sudcu najvyssieho sudu USA Joseph-a Sneed-a- vymenoval ho Nixon v roku 1972 aby vysetril Watergate a je tam dodnes) za svojich 6 rokov (1999-2005) na poste sefky HP
a napriek tomu jej to vycitaju, hoci katolikov je asi 1,2 mld na svete (1,0 mld. zadapdneho=Rimskeho obradu a asi 200 mil vychopdneho =Byzantskeho obradu) a ty padom je tolko potencialnych zakaznikov cez reklamu na namesti svateho Petra, kde IT firmy AMD,HP a Cisco spozorovali opravu vstupnej ulice -tusim Via Costtilatione- v roku na Velku noc 2003 a mali tam loga.

a odtial prameni pritelstvo AMD a HP
Vatican Library 2001 Report to CENL
Management of the library

The quality assessment has yet to be actualized. For now, while waiting for qualified personnel and, little by little, an increased budget, work is in progress for specific sections.

The relinquishment of the Library’s Department of the Museums to the Vatican Museums (October 1, 1999) is slowly serving as a means to define more clearly the primary goals of the Library according to the actual norms of the Vatican Library.

2. Electronic publications

A general plan is being specified for electronic publications, to support the printed publications referred to in no. 123. There are two separate large collections of printed books typical to the Vatican Library that could be digitized and made available to the general public of scholars and researchers.

In the meantime, the realization of individual projects continues, for example:

1. the digitization of a selection of 32 Syriac manuscripts, with transcription and text editing; multispectral reproductions of a number of palimpsests (in collaboration with the Institute for the Study and Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, USA);
2. the digitization of the Canzoniere del Petrarca, accompanied by the facsimile edition of the Codex Vat. lat. 3195 (in collaboration with the Editore Antenore di Roma);
3. the digitization and edition of the base text of the Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri (Codice Urb. Lat. 366), with transcription, research motor, etc. (in collaboration with the Australian Dante Manuscript Team).

6. Information technology and networks
Computer updates were made, among which includes the installation of the 15 AMD of 1 GHZ. The fiber optic wiring with Cisco Layer 3 being done between the servers in the Data Control Center, is near completion. Additionally, the transformation of the Net Finity IBM system into a cluster system which offers maximum reliability in controlling the passageways, the viewing of the comings and goings of personnel, and of administrative activities. The service of simultaneous use of CD-Roms by scholars was improved with the addition of more memory space on the NT server.


It took just minutes for the Vatican to alert the world's media of the death of Pope John Paul II--using text messages and e-mail so the 2,000-year-old church could meet the new demands of real-time news.

Just a quarter of an hour after the pope was pronounced dead Saturday, the Vatican sent journalists an SMS message alerting them to a pending statement.

Television networks across the globe were already on standby a minute later when the e-mail communique was beamed to a sea of state-of-the-art handheld computers, purchased by journalists at the suggestion of the Vatican.

"The Holy father died this evening at 21:37 in his private apartment," it said, in a simple Word document.

Aj z toho vyplyva, ze odisiel High tech Papez a mnoho IT ludi sa obava, ze taky uz nebude.

 Počet príspevkov: 106  ~  Člen od: 08 december 2003  ~  Posledná návšteva: 05 máj 2006 Upozorniť moderátora 


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 Odoslaný - 12 apríl 2005 :  16:32:04  Zobraziť profil  Pridať peto do zoznamu priateľov
Rozmyslam preco nikto nereaguje?
Ale cita sa to dost krat?
Kde som urobil chybu, ze je to tak?

 Počet príspevkov: 106  ~  Člen od: 08 december 2003  ~  Posledná návšteva: 05 máj 2006 Upozorniť moderátora  Na začiatok stránky


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 Odoslaný - 13 apríl 2005 :  08:26:53  Zobraziť profil  Navštíviť domácu stránku užívateľa: veritas  Odoslať ICQ správu pre: veritas  Pridať veritas do zoznamu priateľov
Ja napr. tomu nerozumiem... :(
Otvoril som to iba raz a teraz 2. krát...

2Pt 1,20 | Sir 28,15 | Mt 18,15-22
Autor bol od roku 2001 animátorom a pomocníkom vo farnosti Bratislava-Rača, pracoval v oblasti výpočtovej techniky. Od roku 2006 študuje katolícku teológiu. Je praktizujúcim kresťanom-katolíkom. Internetové stránky autora: www.trobon.org. Pane, ja viem, že za veľa nestojím, ale Ty vieš, ako veľmi Ťa milujem!

 Krajina: Slovakia  ~  Počet príspevkov: 2806  ~  Člen od: 11 august 2004  ~  Posledná návšteva: 22 február 2009 Upozorniť moderátora  Na začiatok stránky


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 Odoslaný - 13 apríl 2005 :  09:41:00  Zobraziť profil  Pridať janka do zoznamu priateľov
tiez si myslim, ze je to v tom, ze vecsina nerozumie...pripajam sa k vecsine...

 Krajina: Hungary  ~  Počet príspevkov: 5687  ~  Člen od: 27 január 2004  ~  Posledná návšteva: 07 január 2016 Upozorniť moderátora  Na začiatok stránky


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 Odoslaný - 13 apríl 2005 :  09:42:20  Zobraziť profil  Navštíviť domácu stránku užívateľa: mirecnr  Send mirecnr an AOL message  Odoslať ICQ správu pre: mirecnr  Zobraziť adresu v MSN Messengeri pre: mirecnr  Pridať mirecnr do zoznamu priateľov
jednak to nie je v rodnom jazyku... a vzdy uvazujem, co xcel autor svojim dielom vlastne povedat

 Krajina: Slovakia  ~  Počet príspevkov: 2690  ~  Člen od: 06 november 2003  ~  Posledná návšteva: 04 marec 2018 Upozorniť moderátora  Na začiatok stránky


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 Odoslaný - 14 apríl 2005 :  12:45:18  Zobraziť profil  Pridať peto do zoznamu priateľov
Vynatok informacii a preklad je na

 Počet príspevkov: 106  ~  Člen od: 08 december 2003  ~  Posledná návšteva: 05 máj 2006 Upozorniť moderátora  Na začiatok stránky


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 Odoslaný - 15 apríl 2005 :  05:28:13  Zobraziť profil  Navštíviť domácu stránku užívateľa: mirecnr  Send mirecnr an AOL message  Odoslať ICQ správu pre: mirecnr  Zobraziť adresu v MSN Messengeri pre: mirecnr  Pridať mirecnr do zoznamu priateľov
Vdaka, Peto:)

 Krajina: Slovakia  ~  Počet príspevkov: 2690  ~  Člen od: 06 november 2003  ~  Posledná návšteva: 04 marec 2018 Upozorniť moderátora  Na začiatok stránky
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